Friday, July 6, 2007

Previously...on this B-log:

Good parties. Great friends. Bad travel service...there is nothing like being stuck in a major airport with a 4 yo for 14 hours. US Errorways, you can kiss my tail...while sitting in Washington National, we looked up the percentage of flight delays to a particular northern hub..and this airline is as consistent as it gets. 100% of flights into NYC are delayed.

Took some time off this week, as we had a metric slew of family drive in. I have reconnected to my home-owner self, byt getting the pool up and working. Pardon me while I pat myself on the back, but..with no diagrams, no previous experience, and having never touched a pool pump and/or filter..given the puzzle of 4 hoses sticking out of the electrical outlet.. the pump and the filter...I was able to get it assembled correctly the first time. With no extra parts.

'Twas so very good to see everyone, and while Diva patrol kept me from actively partaking in yoga and being a witness to major humpification, it's certainly not because I didn't want to.

next-to-lastly: Ladies, the "hot list" expanded.

And lastly, something that tickled the hell out of me.


Anonymous said...

Gunner -- the link doesn't work?

Gunner said...

Does now!

Brett said...

yes... yes it did.

Oob said...

Why, whatever do you mean? ;)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.